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Script Basics

The left hand panel is where the full Script with every screen and piece of input is displayed.  Clicking on an event in the Script will display the properties of the event in the panel to the right. 

In addition to using the right click options to cut/copy/paste events or the Move Up and Move Down toolbar options, events can be moved up and down the sequence using drag and drop.  Please note however that you will be prevented from moving an input to the top of the list as a Script must always begin with a screen.

The following right-click options are available.  Please note that both single and multiple selections are valid.

  • Edit – The window that is displayed depends upon which event is in focus at the time.  Either the Script, screen or input details are shown from where changes can be made.  This option is only available if a single selection has been made.  Each of these is explained fully in a later section.
  • Cut/Copy/Paste – Either copy or move screen or input actions to another location in the Script.  When pasting you will be given the choice of whether to add the actions before or after the current selection.  Please note that the first screen in the Script cannot be moved because it contains information required for the successful commencement of playback.
  • Delete – Remove the selected items.   If the plus button for a screen has been clicked so that the input for that screen is visible, and the screen is deleted, the input will remain in the Script unless it too was selected for deletion.  If however the screen was contracted so that the input was not visible, both the screen and input are deleted.
  • Expand all Screens – Display screens and input.
  • Collapse to Screens – Display screens only.
  • Show Thread Ids – Each screen and piece of input has an associated thread id that is used to ensure that the input gets played against the correct screen and that the expected and actual screens are matched correctly.  This option displays the main thread ids in the list to assist with the correct matching of threads following the insertion of new screens and input.
  • Update Thread Ids – Change all selected events (screens and input) to another thread that can be selected from a drop down list of available threads for the Script.  This will only really be necessary after the insertion of new screens and input where threads have been matched incorrectly.
  • Recovery Options – If you know that your Script is out of date, perhaps because the application under test has changed, Resync mode can be used to execute the Script and update it where necessary.  The Recovery options help to control this process.   Please see the later Test & Resync section for full details.
  • Export Script – Create a file that can be imported into another database, this can be used as a mechanism for sharing Scripts between installations.  This file can be attached to an email automatically using the relevant option.  Available on right-click of the Script name only when the Script has been opened from Asset Explorer.
  • Import Script – Import a Script file that has been previously exported using the option above.  Available on right-click of the Script name only when the Script has been opened from Asset Explorer.